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Obviously, we cannot assume general responsibility for the education of all African Children. However we can assist this people in improving their own system of education. We can do much to stimulate and encourage the growth of learning, especially among the children. For example if you donated $100, the result would be the placement of more than 100 new and used books (or equivalent educational materials) into the hands of needy children.

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Through your circle of influence you can spread the word to Corporations, foundations, publisher and others that might be interested in learning about us, please let us know by emailing [email protected]

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Sign up for our quarterly email newsletter to get related updates about the organization field stories and project updates. Email [email protected]


Through our volunteer team we have been able to sustain our program in the past years encouraging and stimulating lifelong reading and learning habit among African Children. We are always looking for new volunteers locally and virtually. Email [email protected]
©2006 Wings of the Dawn. All rights reserved www.ecropolis.com