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CEDSI Initiative

August 2009, The Center for Development support initiative is a 501(c) registered charity that is committed to promoting sustainable education in rural communities. It focuses on partnering to support rural communities to constructing resource and educational centers, setting up libraries and promoting child education through training, research and capacity building. CEDSI's vision is to get Africa reading ...one child at a time and building a functional base for democratizing education.

Till date...CEDSI has constructed over 40 schools and 50 resource centers that have potentials of becoming full fledged functional libraries.

In partnership with Wings of the Dawn, CEDSI Nigeria is partnering to support the setting up of the maiden edition of the 'Book cafe' in the Niger Delta region. Thus far, support from WOD covered provision of resource materials and teachers tool kit. The materials so far have greatly touched and transformed lives and we see to replicate this across various areas once success is recorded.

It is our hope that CEDSI will support to bring to actualization the First Digital children's book cafe assessable to adult with a vision to catching them young!

The journey is just beginning as there are other growing needs to address the growing targets group. But we are certain that in partnership with WOD, CEDSI Nigeria would stand out as an organization of reput and solidly join to achieve the Millennium Development Goal in the Education sector.

Mina Ogbanga
Country Director CEDSI


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