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Meet Our Team

Carrie P. Hunter, M.D., M.P.H.

Carrie P. Hunter is President and CEO of Oncology Consulting International, a cancer care management, research, education, and training consultancy company. Through her work, she fosters the development and implementation of collaborations and partnerships with stakeholders that lead to a greater understanding of diverse issues and factors that impact cancer outcomes, particularly of minority and underserved populations in developed and developing countries.

Dr. Hunter is a graduate of the New York University School of Medicine. She received hematology and medical oncology training from the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA. She is a member of the Executive Council of the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer, Inc.; and, she is on the Board of Directors of the African Cancer Center, Inc. - a new center which is planned for development in Lagos, Nigeria. Dr. Hunter is a member of the 2007 Avon Foundation Scientific Advisory Board; and she is co-editor or two books on cancer in the elderly population.

E-mail to Carrie P. Hunter

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