Current News
Kemi Oyewole's Familiarisation Visit to Fairview School, Virginia
June 14th and 15th 2005 has been set aside for Ms Kemi Oyewole - WOD West African Project Coordinator, to visit Fairview Elementary School Fairfax Station in Viirginia. The purpose of the visit is to make a follow up on the proposed visit of SPEB School children in Ado - Ekiti Nigeria to Fairview Elementary School. During the Familiarisation Visit, Mrs Ogundeko will coordinate with the school principal Dr. Margaret Scott, staff members and students of Fairview, to ensure adequate preparation for the children visiting the school from Nigeria.
The relationship between SPEB Primary School and Fairview Elementary School originated from Wings of the Dawn coordinated Adopt - A - School Project.
September 2004 was formerly scheduled for SPEB School children to visit Fairview but had to be postponed for logistic reasons. A new date is yet to be fixed. more to come>>